Discover Next Level Payroll
Watch and see how we’ve taken your payroll to the next level.
Topics Covered:
- Inputs – your employee info
- Calculations – all done for you
- Happy employees – right every time
- Pension – powering up pensions
- Savings – how we’ve saved you £3,000
- Payments – make yours painless

Deadline: for submitting via launchpad all payroll changes (joiners/leavers/changes etc) and variable pay (commission, bonus etc)
Approve: payroll will normally be sent to you to approve from this date onwards
Submit & Send Payslips: our target to submit payroll to HMRC ahead of the date you pay your employees and send payslips to your employees.
Pay Day: most common dates to pay net wages to your employees
Pension Data: the deadline to submit your employee pension scheme data
Deadline: to pay HMRC your PAYE payment
Deadline: to pay your employee pension payments